RRP - Republishing the Notice for the Call for Applications – Specialised Technological Centres
On 18th July, the Notice for the Call for Tender (AAC) No. 01/C06-i01.01/2022 was republished, concerning the creation of Specialised Technological Centers, within the scope of Component 6 Qualifications and Skills (C6) and RE-C06-i01Investment: Modernisation of the offer of educational and vocational training establishments of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP). The republication of the aforementioned AAC makes corrections to paragraph 2(i), paragraph 3(b), paragraph 9, paragraph 16, paragraph 18 and Annex 4. It also includes corrections and changes in Annex 3, namely in terms of the integration of qualifications 541097 - Food Quality Control Technician (Education and Training Area - 541) and 543137 - Ceramic Laboratory Technician (Education and Training Area - 543) in the Industrial Technological Centers and the integration of qualification 812CP308 - Tourism Technician (Education and Training Area 812) in the Digital Technological Centers. The application submission period occurs from 20/06/2022 to 18/08/2022.
The strategic objective of component 6 of the RRP is to increase the responsiveness of the education and training system to combat social and gender inequalities and increase the resilience of employment, especially for young people and adults with low qualifications. Applications are formalised through electronic submission through the RRP's General Support Information System. For more information, consult the Specialised Technological Centers website.
RRP – Notice for the Call for Applications – Specialised Technological Centres
Last 17th June, the Notice for the Call for Tender was published, relative to the creation of Specialised Technological Centers, within the scope of Component 6 Qualifications and Skills (C6) and RE-C06-i01Investment: Modernisation of the offer of educational and vocational training establishments of the Recovery and Resilience Plan.
Within the framework of the aforementioned Notice, the objective is to proceed with the installation and modernisation of 365 Specialised Technological Centers (STC) in public educational establishments offering professional courses and in professional schools, public or private, of which 115 are industrial STCs, 30 renewable energies STCs, 195 IT STCs and 25 digital and multimedia STCs. This investment involves the modernisation and rehabilitation of existing facilities and infrastructure and the acquisition of technological educational resources (equipment). The total allocation of this measure is €480M. The creation of the 365 STCs will take place between 2022 and 2025, according to the annual and territorial distribution provided for in the Notice’s annexes. The application submission period runs between 20/06/2022 and 18/08/2022.
The strategic objective of component 6 of the RRP is to increase the responsiveness of the education and training system to combat social and gender inequalities and increase the resilience of employment, especially for young people and adults with low qualifications. Applications are formalised through electronic submission through the RRP's General Support Information System. For more information, consult the Specialised Technological Centers website.
For more information, please visit the website www.recuperarportugal.gov.pt or email any questions to anqep@anqep.gov.pt