Área principal


There are several double certification paths (awarding a school and a professional certification), aimed at young people, to complete basic education (9th year of schooling) and upper-secondary education (12th year of schooling), through a more practical learning experience associated with a profession, and which enables to continue learning or to integrate the labour market. These include Professional Courses (PC), Education and Training Courses (ETC) for young people, Specialised Artistic Courses (SAC) and Technological Specialisation Courses (TSC). •••


There are several qualification paths that, throughout life, enable the obtainment of a school certification at basic level (4th, 6th or 9th year of schooling) or at upper-secondary level (12th year of schooling) and/or a professional certification, such as Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competences (RVCC), Adult Education and Training Courses (AET), Certified Modular Training (CMT) or Upper-Secondary Education Completion Paths (DL No. 357/2007). It is also possible to obtain a qualification through assessment by an Assessment and Certification Commission (ACC) or the recognition of foreign titles. •••


The entities of the National Qualifications System, of a public or private nature, promote qualification, training and learning for personal development, as well as the educational and professional progression of citizens. The network of entities includes Qualifica Centres, schools, IEFP vocational training centres and training entities certified by DGERT (Directorate-General for Employment and Industrial Relations). •••

More than

1 000 000

registrations on

Qualifica Program


of youth

on double

certification programs




Qualifica Centres