Republishing Technical Guidance No. 01/C06-i03.02/2022 of the Acelerador Qualifica
ANQEP, I.P. carried out the 2nd republication of Technical Guideline No. 01/C06-I03.02/2022. The objective of this republication was to clarify the legal framework regulating the annual update of the Social Support Index (IAS) amount. The value of the financial support to be awarded under the Acelerador Qualifica is calculated based on the IAS. The streamlining of some administrative procedures within the decision-making process and payment of support is also based on the IAS.
In this context, adults eligible for the Acelerador Qualifica are now able to grant ANQEP, I.P. authorisation to consult their situation before the Tax Authority and Social Security. For this purpose, we provide two brief tutorial videos on granting this authorisation:
1. Granting authorisation to consult your situation before the Tax Authority
2. Granting authorisation to consult your situation before Social Security
Simultaneously, the Technical Guideline was updated regarding the attribution of the Acelerador Qualifica to citizens with foreign nationalities, within the scope of the documentation verification procedures which prove their legal situation in national territory and the registration of the data necessary for the attribution of support in the Acelerador Qualifica module.
Attribution of the Acelerador Qualifica (Qualifications Accelerator) to citizens with foreign nationalities
The Law defining the conditions and procedures for the entry, stay, exit and removal of foreign citizens from Portuguese territory (Law No. 23/2007), determines treatment equal to that of national citizens regarding access to and obtainment of training and education in the national territory, including the right to obtain subsidies and scholarships for foreign citizens who benefit from the status of long-term resident. Recently, this Law was amended (Law No. 18/2022), allowing foreign citizens who hold temporary or permanent residence permits to have the same right to obtain such support.
In this sense, and with the aim of adapting the existing legal provisions, ANQEP, as Intermediate Beneficiary of the Acelerador Qualifica (Qualifications Accelerator) sub-investment, has defined the situations in which adults of foreign nationality can receive the Acelerador Qualifica incentive, as well as the supporting documentation which must be included in the beneficiaries' file to prove this support has been obtained, through ANQEP's TECHNICAL GUIDELINE No. 1/2022.
In this context, TECHNICAL GUIDELINE No. 01/C06-I03.02/2022 was also republished on the PRR (Recovery and Resilience Plan) website.
Qualifica Accelerator | Qualifica Programme | Recovery and Resilience Plan
As part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), Resolution No. 101/2022 of the Council of Ministers was published, authorising the expenditure on the Qualifica Accelerator.
The Qualifica Accelerator is an incentive offered to adults who, meeting certain eligibility conditions, complete a school or vocational qualification in the process of recognition, validation and certification of competences (RVCC).
Consult Resolution No. 101/2022 of the Council of Ministers here.
Qualifica Accelerator | Qualifica Programme | Recovery and Resilience Plan
Today, adults who obtained a qualification in the form of education and training, Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competences (RVCC), began to receive financial aid under the Qualifica Accelerator measure. This measure aims to encourage adults with incomplete qualification paths or with low qualifications, to complete or progress in their educational and vocational qualifications. This incentive’s objective is to value and encourage the efforts of adults who, having dropped out of school without completing the 12th year of schooling or a vocational qualification, decide to return and focus on increasing their qualifications.
Qualifica Accelerator | Qualifica Programme | Recovery and Resilience Plan
The “Qualifica Accelerator” module is now available, integrated into the platform of the Sistema Integrado de Informação e Gestão da Oferta Educativa e Formativa -SIGO (Integrated Information and Management System for the Educational and Training Offer (SIGO). The Qualifica Accelerator is a measure included in the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) to encourage the return of adults to lifelong learning processes which contribute to obtaining a school or vocational qualification.
The measure translates into the attribution of financial aid to adults who, through a process of Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competences (RVCC), complete an incomplete qualification or progress in their schooling or vocational qualification. The amount to be allocated to each adult corresponds to 1.25 of the Social Aid Index (SAI), a value to be updated annually during the period of the measure’s validity.
This incentive’s objective is to value and encourage the efforts of adults who, having dropped out of school without completing the 12th year of schooling or a vocational qualification, decide to return and focus on increasing their qualifications. Until now, the RVCC was the only modality of the National Qualifications System which did not have any associated financial aid. The possibility of receiving aid to cover transport, food and other expenses, which already exists for training modalities, will be an important incentive to bring more low-qualified adults to Qualifica Centers, contributing to their integration and to the improvement of their living conditions.
The target is to reach 100 thousand adults by 2025 and the total investment is €55M.
Qualifica Accelerator: ANQEP signs contract with “Recover Portugal” MS
As part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), the Qualifica Accelerator financing contract was signed today, 7th September, between the National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training and the “Recover Portugal” Mission Structure. The Qualifica Accelerator is a new incentive offered to adults who, meeting certain eligibility conditions, complete a school or vocational qualification through a process of recognition, validation and certification of competences (RVCC). The Qualifica Accelerator counts on €55 million in the RRP and aims to reach 100,000 certified adults by 2025. The financial aid to be given to each adult corresponds to 1.25 of the SAI, which this year translates to €548, and is indexed to the completion/obtention of a qualification through RVCC. Until now, this was the only adult qualification pathway which did not have any kind of financial aid of this kind associated with it. The contract signing ceremony took place at 10am at the IEFP's Alverca Vocational Training Centre and was attended by the Prime Minister. Access ANQEP's presentation on the Qualifica Accelerator.
For more information, please visit the website www.recuperarportugal.gov.pt or email any questions to anqep@anqep.gov.pt
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