List of entities represented on the General Board: The members of the General Board of ANQEP, I.P. were designated by Order No. 4065/2020 of 2nd April.
Nominal list of current representatives: Over time, there are changes of an organisational or of another nature, in the entities with a seat on the General Board, with a change in the name of the respective representative of the same body.
As provided for in ANQEP’s Internal Regulations of the General Board, with the exception of members appointed as independent specialists, all other members may be replaced by indication of the management body of the legal entity which they respectively represent.
Thus, in accordance with the nominative changes made to the aforementioned order, and by indication of the management body of the legal entity with a seat on the General Board of ANQEP, lista nominativa dos atuais representantesthe nominative list of the current representatives in the same body of ANQEP, I.P. is published.