The General Board has the power to:
a) Issue an opinion on the multi-year strategic plans, the annual activity plans and the activities report of ANQEP, I.P.
b) Provide an opinion on the general policy and intervention strategy of ANQEP, I.P., and present, when deemed appropriate, suggestions or proposals aimed at promoting or improving the activities of ANQEP, I.P.
c) Provide an opinion on any other matters submitted to it by the respective chairperson.
The General Board is comprised of a maximum number of 25 members, without the right to remuneration, and its composition must ensure the participation of representatives of public services and bodies, social partners, entities with responsibilities and intervention in the education and vocational training of young people and adults, as well as independent technicians and experts. The members of the General Board are appointed by order of the members of the Government who supervise ANQEP, I.P., upon proposal by the Chairperson of the Board of Directors. The General Board is presided over by the chairperson of the Board of Directors of ANQEP, I.P., as determined by Article 7, No. 2 of Law-Decree No. 36/2012 of 15th February.
The General Board meets every six months and, extraordinarily, whenever the chairperson calls for its convening, of their own initiative, or at the request of a third of its members.
Any person or entity, whose presence is deemed necessary to clarify the matters under consideration, may participate in the General Board meetings, without voting rights, without the right to any remuneration and by invitation by the respective chairperson.
The General Board approves its internal operating regulations.