Área principal


Co-financed Projects

Portuguese Joint Application: Europass/Euroguidance/EQF

Project Code: 101163716 - PT-NEC_EGC_EQF-NCP

Main Objective: This project encompasses the combination of three National Coordination Points - Euroguidance, Europass, and EQF.

The action plan brings together activities that will support the development, implementation, dissemination, and promotion of tools and services that create opportunities for learning, mobility, lifelong learning, and employability.

Based on an intersectoral approach, this proposal gathers different types of knowledge to enhance synergies and drive collaborative work between Europass, EQF, and Euroguidance.

Region of Intervention: National Territory

Beneficiary Entities:

  • National Agency for the Management of the Erasmus+ Programme Education and Training (AN ERASMUS+, EF) – Project coordinating entity;
  • Directorate-General for Education;
  • National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training (ANQEP, I.P.)

Start Date: 01/01/2024

End Date: 31/12/2026

Total eligible cost: EUR


Financial Support from the European Union: Erasmus+ Programme


Project Description: Based on EU and national priorities, this project aims to: contribute to increasing the digital skills of young people and adults, promoting inclusion and diversity, ensuring the participation of people at a disadvantage and raising awareness of environmental issues; increase support for the development of skills that facilitate the employability of citizens; establish cooperation with European tools for the recognition of skills and qualifications, making the transparency of these tools more effective; increase access to quality guidance services; ensure the provision of quality services to citizens and organisations and strengthen networking with a view to sustainability and cooperation with partners at national and European level.



European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training - Portugal National Reference Point

Project Code: 101124665 EQAVET NRP Portugal

Main Objective: The project aims to promote, disseminate, and monitor the implementation of the Quality Assurance System for Vocational Education and Training by providers in this field, in alignment with EQAVET – the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training.

Region of Intervention: National Territory

Beneficiary Entity: National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P.)

Start Date: 01/09/2023

End Date: 31/08/2026

Total Eligible Cost: 319.058,00 €

European Union Financial Support: 271.199,00 €

Project Description: The project aims to achieve the following specific objectives:


  • Monitor the development of the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training;
  • Include a new set of indicators in the national EQAVET model;
  • Improve the responsiveness of the EQAVET platform;
  • Conduct a study on the impact of the alignment process with the national EQAVET model.



Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning - 2024/2025

Project Code: 101144231_NC-AL-AGENDA-PT National Coordinators for the Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning - Portugal

Main Objective: The implementation of the priorities of the European Agenda for Adult Learning in Portugal, from 2024 to 2025, aims to strengthen the adoption of European initiatives in the national strategy for adult education and training. This strategy focuses on access to qualifications as a way to bring more adults into lifelong learning (LLL) through the Qualifica Programme, as well as improving the quality and support provided to adults by Qualifica Centres and making new tools available to boost and diversify individual learning pathways. The project has the following objectives and expected outcomes:


  • Increase access to qualifications through Assessment and Certification Commissions (ACC) and the recognition of qualifications obtained abroad, at Qualifica Centres, improving the conditions for issuing certificates and diplomas.
  • Promote the improvement of the quality of interventions by the Qualifica Centres and local synergies in adult qualification. The objective is to support the most relevant stakeholders working in adult education and training with low-skilled adults, as well as Qualifica Centres, particularly in guidance, monitoring individual qualification pathways, and developing RVCC processes.
  • Improve functionalities and streamline access to and use of the Qualifica Passport for its various users: adults, Qualifica Centres, training institutions, employers, among others. The Qualifica Passport is an online, individualised tool that records the certifications an adult has already obtained through training and RVCC processes, but also serves as a guide for new qualification pathways, capitalising on completed training and accumulated credits. The Qualifica Passport supports individuals in managing their lifelong learning, in line with the European approach to micro-credentials, individual learning accounts, and the new Europass platform.

Region of Intervention: National Territory

Beneficiary Entity: National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training (ANQEP)

Start Date: 01/01/2024

End Date: 31/12/2025

Total Eligible Cost: 330,674.00 €

European Union Financial Support: 264,539.00 €

Project Description: The project for the implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning aims to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • Development of an IT module based on SIGO to support the operationalisation of the Assessment and Certification Commissions;
  • Development, within the framework of the ACC module, of a support area for the operationalisation and registration of processes concerning the recognition of qualifications obtained abroad;
  • Increase on-site visits to Qualifica Centres;
  • Strengthening of external audits of Qualifica Centres;
  • Promotion of training actions for Qualifica Centres' teams;
  • IT development of the website and APP to support the operation of the Qualifica Passport, a technological tool for recording qualifications and skills acquired or developed throughout the adult's life and supporting guidance on learning pathways.


EPALE National Support Service (NSS) for Portugal - 2022/2024

Project Code: 101074852-PT EPALE-NSS

Main objective: As the National Support Service for the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE), it is ANQEP’s responsibility to promote and disseminate the platform amongst the country’s adult education community, ensure multilingualism, support users and guarantee the quality of their contributions.

Intervention region: National Territory

Beneficiary entity: Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training)

Start date: 01/04/2022

Conclusion date: 31/12/2024

Total eligible cost: 285,934.00 EUR

Financial support from the European Union: 228,747.00 EUR (Erasmus+ Programme)

Description of project: In this project, the National Support Service’s objective is to develop activities which enable:

  • implementing and contributing to the continuous improvement of the Platform's functioning, in close collaboration with the Central Support Service (CSS) and with the other National Support Services
  • ensuring an increase in the number of users and the percentage of users with active participation, through dissemination and motivation activities
  • obtaining greater feedback from users on dissemination activities and on the use of the Platform
  • increasing the participation of Portuguese users in the Platform's activities
  • carrying out an assessment of the motivating factors and constraints to the active and regular participation of users and the target audience.


EQAVET Network

Project code: 101048654-EQAVET-NRP PT

Main objective: Promote and disseminate the Quality Assurance System for Vocational Education and Training among VET providers.

Intervention region: National Territory

Beneficiary entity: Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training)

Start date: 01/04/2021

Conclusion date: 31/08/2023

Total eligible cost: 152 792.00 EUR

Financial support from the European Union: 129 873.00 EUR (Erasmus+ Programme)

Description of project: Portugal defined a model aimed at implementing quality assurance systems by VET operators, in line with the EQAVET framework.

This alignment process is evaluated by external experts appointed by higher education institutions. When quality assurance systems implemented by VET operators meet the criteria for alignment with the EQAVET Framework, ANQEP awards them an EQAVET seal.

Supported by the European Social Fund, the model was launched on a large scale in 2019. By the end of May 2021, 500 schools (public and private secondary schools with vocational courses) had implemented the model, 409 of which were certified with the EQAVET seal.

Schools which up to this point have received the EQAVET seal continue their work of continuous improvement, a process they share through the presentation of their annual progress report.

A study is planned to be launched in September 2022 on the impact of the alignment process with the EQAVET framework, a particularly relevant aspect given the high number of schools covered by the model.

Additionally, a peer review activity (“Peer Review”) is scheduled, which will take place in July 2023 if Portugal is the host country.


EQF National Coordination Point - 2021-2023

Project code: 101051476 - PT-NEC_EGC_EQF-NCP

Main objective: This project is jointly developed by 3 national Centres: Euroguidance, Europass and EQF, which are the responsibility, respectively, of the Directorate-General for Education, the National Agency for the Management of the Erasmus+ Education and Training Program (AN ERASMUS+, EF) and the Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education).

Considering the experience of the 3 national Centres, the project aims to bring together diverse knowledge to reinforce existing synergies, as well as add a clearer focus and effort in collaborative work with Europass, EQF and Euroguidance partners.

Intervention region: National Territory

  • Beneficiary entities:
    National Agency for the Management of the Erasmus+ Education and Training Programme (AN ERASMUS+, EF)
  • Directorate-General for Education
  • Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education).
    Start date: 01/01/2021

Conclusion date: 31/12/2023

Total eligible cost:

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Financial support from the European Union: Programa Erasmus+

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Description of project: The project combines activities to support the implementation, development and dissemination of EU instruments and services which aim to create the conditions for learning opportunities, mobility, lifelong learning and guidance, as well as employability.

Based on EU and national priorities, this project aims to: contribute to increasing the digital skills of young people and adults, promoting inclusion and diversity, ensuring the participation of disadvantaged people and raising awareness of environmental issues ; increase support for the development of skills which facilitate the employability of citizens; establish cooperation with European instruments for the recognition of competences and qualifications, making the transparency of these instruments more effective; expand access to quality guidance services; ensure the provision of quality services to citizens and organisations and strengthen networking from a perspective of sustainability and cooperation with partners at national and European levels.


Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning – 2022/2023

Project code: 101052474 National Coordinators for the implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning - Portugal

Main objective: This project aims to continue the work developed in recent years by Qualifica Centers, and to act in three areas:

  • Develop the follow-up and monitoring of the Qualifica Centers’ activity, including external audits, to better assess their activity and constraints, and ensure the quality of the processes they develop.
  • General and specialised training for the teams of the Qualifica Centers, to train each adult education professional to better perform his/her duties and to better connect with the target audience.
  • Foster local and regional qualification networks, encompassing Qualifica Centers (as focal points for coordinating these networks), adult education and training providers, employers, local/regional governance bodies and other relevant stakeholders.

Intervention region: National Territory

Beneficiary entity: Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training)

Start date: 01/01/2022

Conclusion date: 31/12/2023

Total eligible cost: 235 673.00 EUR

Financial support from the European Union: 188 538.00 EUR

Description of project: In fulfilling the attributions defined within the scope of the National Qualifications System, Qualifica Centers must guarantee levels of effectiveness, efficiency and quality appropriate to the quality criteria, guiding principles, indicators and reference standards defined in the Quality Charter of Qualifica Centers.

To further develop the quality assurance process, 20 external audits are planned during the project, to provide an external perspective of the activity of the centers involved and enable ANQEP to obtain feedback on the system.
Together with the redesign of the Centres’ intervention in the system and changes in the providers involved, it is essential to train the education and training professionals involved. Thus, within the scope of this project, the objective is to involve more than 1 500 adult education and training professionals in training, covering all areas of activity of Qualifica Centers.

PIAAC - Support the implementation of the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies

Project code: 101015847

Main objective: Support ANQEP in its participation in the second cycle of PIAAC, through the grant of part of the contribution to the OECD.

Intervention region: National Territory

Beneficiary entity: Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training)

Start date: 01/01/2021

Conclusion date: 31/12/2023

Total eligible cost: 330 961.70 EUR

Financial support from the European Union: 264 769.36 EUR

Description of project: The Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) is a multi-cycle international programme for the assessment of adult competencies promoted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). This is an initiative aimed at assisting governments in the assessment, monitoring and analysis of the level and distribution of adult skills, supporting the design of measures to promote possession and improve the use of skills in different contexts. This thereby favours and encourages the qualification of human resources and competitiveness, within the framework of a globalised economy, as well as equity in access to and participation in labour markets, as well as cultural and educational participation, a fundamental factor in promoting social and territorial cohesion.

In order to encourage and support the participation of Member States in the study, the European Commission, through the Erasmus+ programme, shares part of the voluntary contribution each country pays to the OECD to be able to integrate the study and benefit from the structure, instruments and methodologies created for its attainment.


POCH – Technical Assistance (Intermediate Body)

Project code: POCH-05-6177-FSE-000004

Main objective: To act as the Intermediate Body of the Human Capital Operational Programme for the intervention type Centers for Qualification and Vocational Education (CQVE), later replaced by Qualifica Centers.

Intervention region: NUTS II Northern, Central and Alentejo Regions

Beneficiary entity: Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training)

Start date: 14/02/2017

Conclusion date: 31/12/2019

Total eligible cost: €466 818.71

Financial support from the European Union: €396 795.90 (FSE)

Description of project: The Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training), as an Intermediate Body (OI) of the Human Capital Operational Programme (POCH) within the scope of Operations Typology 3.1 - “Centros Qualifica”, has been delegated management duties, on behalf of the Managing Authority, namely in the areas of applying the eligibility criteria of beneficiaries, analysing and financing projects, carrying out management verifications, authorising the issue of payments, information and publicity, the accounting process, technical support for the process and monitoring and control. This action covers all Qualifica Centres of NUTS II Northern, Central and Alentejo Regions.


POCH – Technical Assistance (Intermediate Body)

Project code: POCH-05-6177-FSE-000006

Main objective: To act as the Intermediate Body of the Human Resources Operational Programme for the type of intervention of Centres for Qualification and Vocational Education (CQVE), later replaced by Qualifica Centres.

Intervention region: NUTS II Northern, Central and Alentejo Regions

Beneficiary entity:Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education)

Start date: 01/01/2020

Conclusion date: 31/12/2022

Total eligible cost: 1.239.597,88€

Financial support from the European Union: 1.053.658,20€ (FSE)

Description of project: The Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education), as an Intermediate Body (OI) of the Human Capital Operational Programme (POCH) within the scope of Operations Typology 3.1 - “Centros Qualifica”, has delegated management duties, on behalf of the Managing Authority, namely in the areas of applying the eligibility criteria of beneficiaries, analysing and financing projects, carrying out management verifications, authorising the issue of payments, information and publicity, the accounting process, technical support for the process and monitoring and control. This action covers all Qualifica Centres of NUTS II Northern, Central and Alentejo Regions.


POCH - PAFC - Quality and efficiency of the education and training system to promote school success - Autonomy and curricular flexibility (ACF)

Project code: POCH-04-5267-FSE-000125

Main objective: Support schools in the implementation and development of curricular autonomy and flexibility, respecting their identity, in order to promote relevant and meaningful learning and promote the operationalisation of the principles, vision and competence areas defined in the Student Profile.

Intervention region: NUTS II Northern, Central and Alentejo Regions

Beneficiary entity: Directorate-General for Education (DGE)

Partner(s): Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training); Directorate-General for Schools (DGEstE)

Approval date: 21/08/2018

Start date: 02/07/2018

Conclusion date: 30/04/2021

Total eligible cost: €4 724 745.12

Financial support from the European Union: €4 016 033.35 (FSE)

Description of project: Taking into consideration the objective to be achieved, the Operation will make it possible to carry out all the activities associated with the proximity monitoring between the ME and the non-grouped School Groups/Schools. It is intended to be simple and non-bureaucratic, enabling, among other things, the reflection and sharing of good practices, as well as the creation of networks between non-grouped School Groups/Schools. In addition, a digital support platform will be developed which will have areas, either for hosting the digital resources produced within the scope of the project, or for interactive and collaborative dynamics, promoting the development of organisational and pedagogical practices to be implemented and which will support communities with temporally stable experience. The follow-up and monitoring of the implementation of the AC will be ensured at the national level by a coordination team which assembles attributions assigned to the various services, namely the Directorate-General for Education (DGE), which coordinates, the Directorate-General for Schools (DGEstE), the Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training) and the Inspectorate-General for Education and Science (IGEC). The methodology of the follow-up and monitoring plan will involve different dynamics, including national and regional thematic meetings, in which directors, teachers and other elements of the educational communities will participate; sharing network meetings between non-grouped School Groups/Schools; visits to non-grouped School Groups/Schools and remote support to non-grouped School Groups/Schools through a digital platform of educational resources and support for collaborative work.

Photos, videos and other audio-visual media: http://afc.dge.mec.pt/


Regional Operational Programme of Lisbon – Technical Assistance (Intermediate Body)

Project code: LISBOA-09-6177FEDER-000049

Main objective: To act as the Intermediate Body of the Regional Operational Programme of Lisbon for the “Human Capital” Domain.

Intervention region: Lisbon Region (NUTS II)

Beneficiary entity: Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training)

Start date: 2020/01/01

Conclusion date: 2023/12/31

Total eligible cost: 165 360.00 EUR

Financial support from the European Union: 82 860.00 EUR (FEDER)

Description of project: The Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training), as an Intermediate Body (OI) of the Regional Operational Programme of Lisbon has, relative to the Qualifica Centres, delegated management attributions, on behalf of the Management Authority, namely in the areas of applying the eligibility criteria of beneficiaries, analysing and financing projects, carrying out management verifications, authorising the issue of payments, information and publicity, the accounting process, technical support for the process and monitoring and control. This action covers all Qualifica Centres in the Lisbon Region (NUTS II).


POR Lisboa 2020 - Innovative Plans to Combat School Failure

Project code: LISBOA-07-5266-FSE-000091

Main objective: Build a model for monitoring and evaluating Inclusive Education in double certification pathways.

Intervention region: Metropolitan Area of Lisbon

Beneficiary entity: Orsifor - Centro de Formação Profissional da Moita S.A (Moita Vocational Training Centre)

Partner(s): Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training); Metropolitan Area of Lisbon

Approval date: 18/07/2019

Start date: 01/09/2018

Conclusion date: 31/08/2021

Total eligible cost: €197 045,70

Financial support from the European Union: €19 885.66 (FSE)

Description of project: The National Programme for the Promotion of School Success expresses the national commitment to promoting success from a perspective of involving the educational communities, urging school groups and non-grouped schools to present and implement Strategic Action Plans.

The Escola Técnica Profissional da Moita (Moita Vocational Technical School) and the Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training), designed a pilot project called “Inclusive Education”, which aims to co-build the monitoring and evaluation model and the Support Guide for the Implementation of Inclusive Education in Double Certification Pathways, which was presented to the Office of His Excellency, the Secretary of State for Education, who attested to the importance and relevance of developing a Pilot Project in the scope of Inclusive Education, also involving the Directorate-General for Schools (DGEstE) and the Directorate-General for Education (DGE).
For the execution of this pilot project, the Escola Técnica Profissional da Moita (Moita Vocational Technical School - ETPM), Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training) and the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon (AML) were identified as key entities.


Quality and efficiency of the education and training system to promote school success (needs diagnosis studies and review of the NCQ/RVCC instruments)

Project code: POCH-04-5267-FSE-000557

Main objective: Main objective: The project aims to carry out studies to diagnose qualification needs, making it possible to anticipate the qualifications and skills needed to respond and prepare professionals and companies in advance for the challenges of the development of each economic sector.

Intervention region: National Territory

Beneficiary entity: Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training)

Start date: 26-04-2019

Conclusion date: 31-03-2022 (extended to 31/10/2023)

Total eligible cost: 2 633 840.01 EUR

Financial support from the European Union: 1 499 971.89 EUR (FSE)

Description of project: Over the years, ANQEP has been working to update the National Catalogue of Qualifications (NCQ) responding to the needs of the corporate fabric and other entities relevant to the country's economic and social development.

Currently, during the NCQ revitalisation process, it was necessary to identify sectors/strategic areas and qualifications for the economy, based on a set of criteria/options, namely: the outdated CNQ references; the elevated weight of employment; the need for a response to the NQS relative to regulated activities/professions; the growth of qualified employment (specifically, highlighting difficulties in recruiting qualified technicians); and the qualified response to market niches.

The Operation will enable the development of studies to diagnose training needs and update the entire National Catalogue of Qualifications (NCQ), mobilising the various agents in the field and the design of qualifications based on learning outcomes, namely, their competence and training standards and the assessment tools necessary for the professional RVCC processes.

For the achievement of these goals, 4 major activities are defined below:

  • Carrying out a needs diagnosis
  • Updating of the National Catalogue of Qualifications
  • Training Workshops - Design of Qualification Standards Based on Learning Outcomes
  • Divulgation and dissemination.



Project code: 2018-1758/001-001

Main objective: Develop activities which lead to the creation of training units in the area of Robotics, in a potentially transferable way to other EU countries.

Intervention region: National Territory

Beneficiary entity: CEPROF - Centros Escolares de Ensino Profisisonal, Lda. (Vocational Education School Centers)

Partner(s): Ovar Forma; APSU; National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training; Acción Laboral; Consejeria de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y Leon; WUSMED; RTD Talos; Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus; European Office of Cyprus

Start date: 01/10/2018

Conclusion date: 30/09/2020

Total eligible cost: €483 660.00

Financial support from the European Union: €386 928.00 (FSE)

Description of project: Most EU-28 countries do not offer a degree in Robotics Technology and, as the workforce in new technologies is also expected to be highly mobile in Europe, it is important to develop a harmonised curriculum across the different European countries, with high transferability across the EU-28.

Therefore, the Robovet project intends to:

  • Conduct a needs assessment on robotics training
  • Design a detailed qualification profile, including the expected learning outcomes
  • Match skills needs with labour market needs
  • Develop a mutually recognised joint curriculum
  • Produce new training units
  • Foster the establishment of sustainable cooperation structures to increase youth employment and the attractiveness of Vocational Education and Training.


Implementation of the 2nd Cycle of the PIAAC in Portugal

Project code: POAT-01-6177-FEDER-000027

Main objective: Assessment of the level and distribution of adult skills to support the design of measures to promote the possession and use of skills that favour equity in access and participation in labour markets and social and territorial cohesion.

Intervention region: National Territory

Beneficiary entity: Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P. – National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training)

Start date: 01-04-2019

Conclusion date: 31-12-2021 (extended to 30/06/2023)

Total eligible cost: €2 059 909.71

Financial support from the European Union: €1 647 927.76 (FEDER)

Description of project: The Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) is a multi-cycle international programme for the assessment of adult competencies promoted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). This is an initiative aimed at assisting governments in the assessment, monitoring and analysis of the level and distribution of adult skills, supporting the design of measures to promote possession and improve the use of skills in different contexts. This thereby favours and encourages the qualification of human resources and competitiveness, within the framework of a globalised economy, as well as equity in access to and participation in labour markets, as well as cultural and educational participation, a fundamental factor in promoting social and territorial cohesion.

The Operation will make it possible to carry out all activities associated with the implementation of the PIAAC Study in Portugal. The study will configure a detailed and in-depth diagnostic study on the profile and skills of the adult Portuguese population, comparing them internationally and analysing their relationship either with the economic dynamics and the labour markets, or with the main trends of cultural and educational transformation, or, more specifically, with the participation in the different modalities of education and training. By obtaining scientifically based and validated information on areas such as the extent and aspects of illiteracy and low literacy, education and training systems performance, gaps and disarticulations between education and training and labour markets, equity in access to education and training, transition of young people from education to work, intergenerational mobility, identification of populations at risk, among others, the Study becomes of particular interest for the general improvement of policy measures and instruments aimed at the education and training sectors. It is also relevant for the operationalisation, monitoring and evaluation of the ESIF, as it will help to strengthen the effectiveness of the application of cohesion policy funds in our country, contributing both to the implementation of the priorities established by Portugal 2020 and to the definition of priorities for the next programming period.

Photos, videos and other audio-visual media: Additional information and other resources regarding the International Programme for the Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) are available here.
